Kenangan itu kadangkala teramat pahit untuk diredah, tetapi ia terlalu manis untuk dikenang. Hidup tak selalunya indah tapi yang indah itu tetap hidup dalam kenangan.Andainya hadirnya cinta sekadar untuk mengecewakan, lebih baik cinta itu tak pernah hadir.Kecewa bercinta bukan bermakna dunia sudah berakhir.Masa depan yang cerah berdasarkan pada masa lalu yang telah dilupakan.Hidup ini indah jika kita tahu menghargainya... Tapi ia amat menyakitkan andai kita melaluinya sambil lewa...
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Friday, December 15, 2006
Urut Bersama Ako

Kohkohkoh~! Dari semalam planning nak gi Thai Massage ngan Aze. Last² kena tgu Aze balek keje.... Masok je area mengurut...Tuna nak pengsan hidu bau minyak urut. Aku ngan Aze sengih² je. Sonoknye kalo dapat diurut nie. Perghh..nikmat...Sekali...orang pemes duduk sebelah aku ler... AKO MUSTAFA..miakakakaka.... kelako plak rasa....saketnye yg amat biler kena urut.. Tuhan je yg tau...

Wednesday, December 13, 2006
1st Shopping

Hihihihi. Arinie aku shopping kat KLCC, ronda² ngan Asha adek kesayangan Erol & Det kat Parkson & Isetan. Takat tengok je, takder aper yang menarek. Sale lom gempak lagi. Then, aku ngan Asha pi The Body Shop...uihh... aku diracun ngan promoter comel lote. Sudah aku diracun, terbang duit ku beratus-ratus.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
GiGi Ku Menggila
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Jiwa Kaco
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Still - I will still love u
ady : if the sun should refuse to rise n the moon doesn't hang in the night
ady : the time would change season rearrange
ady : n the world is through i will still love u
ady : yes i will loving u baby
ady : i will still love u
ady : 98 degrees
If the sun should refuse to rise, And the moon doesn't hang in the night. The tides won't change, seasons rearrange. When the world is through, I will still love you.
If anything could last forever, It's what I feel for you (That's what I feel for you). Oh, baby, you've touched my heart in ways. That words could never say, That's why I'll always love you.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Everyone Need Someone
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Sadness Kill Me Slowly
Friday, November 24, 2006
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
U Light Up My Life
You light up my life
Rollin' at sea, adrift on the water
It can't be wrong
Monday, November 20, 2006
Cuti Ku Bermula
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Warna Kehidupan
Monday, November 13, 2006
Dier terluka lagi

Sarapan kegemaran ku pada pagi ini. Wanton Dry Duck noodle.
Arghhh! Penat. Seminggu tanpa rehat. Lagi seminggu akan ku harungi dengan penoh tabah. Pepagi lagi aku sudah bangun arinie, khas utk orang tersayang. KeranaMu, aku dengan ngantuknye menapak ke destinasi. KeranaMu, aku lenguh sebelah tangan.
Dimanakah diri mu selama ini tika aku kesunyian? Kau..hanya berdiam diri, menyepikan diri dan bersembunyi. Mengapa? Adakah aku bersalah? Mungkin aku memang bersalah kerana aku tidak mempedulikan diri mu. Kau sentiasa berada di samping ku tika aku amat memerlukan diri mu di kala aku kesunyian dan kebosanan. Aku belai diri mu, aku pelok dan aku sayang pada diri mu wahai sayang. Tika kau terluka, aku la yang paling sedey. Sedey sampai meleleh air mataku. Terpaksa la aku mengeluarkan sedikit wang utk mengubati diri mu yang sudah terluka. Bukan sengaja aku melukakan mu, takdir sudah menentukan bahawa kau akan terluka pabila sudah sampai masanya. Bila kau terluka, aku pun turut terluka jiwa & raga. Waduh, poket ku luka lagi. Kopak kopak. Sayang, pasnie kiter akan sentiasa bersama selepas tugas2 ku selesai. Mwuaksss...

Saturday, November 11, 2006
Morning Sayang
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Dunia BaruKu
Friday, October 06, 2006
I'm Back
Friday, June 23, 2006
KeSeBoKaN MeLanDa
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Stick With You

Monday, May 29, 2006
Over The Hedge

Sunday, May 28, 2006
Cuti Ku Bermula
Bukan aku tatau sumer impian korang kat saner, tingin nak tgk aku jadi isteri orang kan, terutamanye isteri 'orang tuh'. Eiiiii....ngeri. Baek aku balek bulan Julai nanti sambil pi tgk Rain Forest Festival.
Minggu lepas, hari Sabtu, aku dilanda kebosanan yang teramat lar sangat. Aku geguling kat umah. Nak online aku dah malas, pasal aku dah rasa takder yang menarek perhatian aku langsung dalam dunia virtual nie. Nak kuar laks, kengkawan sumer tgh sebok ngan mende ntah. Aku pun ngan benggong nye tgk tv, meminta la aku bole tetido. Tapi dah aku nak tido camner, aku langsung tak ngantuk, penat pun tidak. Sekali, hah.... Mr Smurf sms, "weh, aku beli tiket wayang lebey, mai ar datang tgk ngan aku." Waaaaaaaaaa..besh nye. At last ader orang ajak wat ektibiti menarek yang lama aku dah tak buat, TENGOK WAYANG (bukan buat wayang ek). Kihkihkihkih~! Smurf ajak tengok Mission Impossible 3. Fuh, aku dah beli dah CD nie, tapi tak berkesempatan lagi nak tgk kat umah. Memanjang jer aku sebok. Apa lagi, aku pun bersiap, teros menuju ke KLCC.
Mission Impossible 3, aku sker Tom Cruise. Bole tahan citer nie. Tapi tengkuk aku saket biler kena duduk row yang ke-3 dari depan. Mau tak teleng paler aku nie kalo selalu duduk row depan kat dalam panggung wayang. Jejarang aku tak tido kalo tengok wayang. Kebiasaannye, aku akan tetido kalo tengok wayang nie. Tapi memandangkan takder bahu sesapa untuk dipinjam, aku terpaksa gak lar tegakkan paler aku. Dah tak lentok, aku pun kena concentrate tgk wayang. Takkan aku nak pinjam bahu Smurf laks, mau tak aku kena tempeleng ngan smurf. Muekekeke, layan jer lar citer nie. Takyah aku tgk cd kat umah.
Cuti aku yang sebenarnye sudah bermula Jumaat lepas, 26hb Mei 2006. Tengahari lagi aku dah balik umah. Keja² yang sepatutnye dah siap. Tapi kengkawan laks wat hal, kerja aku yang sepatutnye dierorang siapkan, tak sesiap. Arghhh...hangen gak aku. Keje dierorang, aku siapkan. Nie bahagian aku, dierorang tak siapkan plak. Camner aku nak wat keje masa cuti? Aku balik umah, aiyak... elektrik laks takder. Aku baru berangan nak tido petang sepuas-puasnye. Dah aku takbole tido sebab kepanasan. Aku geguling cam biasa, tatau nak wat mende dipetang hari. Aku mula la rasa badmood, panas hati, saket ati, sumer lengkap lar kemarahan aku. Bila kepansan melanda badan, mood aku swing sesangat. Sekali lagi, Smurf sms.
Smurf : Ko tgh watper?
Aku : Aku tgh baring, bosan. Ko watper?
Smurf : Aku pun bosan. Tgh carik port nak makan. Dah bosan dah nie.
Aku : Ko carik la makanan dulu. KLCC tuh kan banyak food court.
Smurf : Aku bosan dah nie.
Aku : Ok..ok. Apa kata aku pi sana? Pastuh kiter tengok wayang. Ko pi usha Da Vinci Code jap.
Smurf : Ok. Jum Jum.
Tuh la dier smurf. Seb baek la aku nie duduk Desa Pandan. Dekat la juge ngan KLCC. Kalo aku duduk Gombak ke aper, mau nye aku wat bodo jer walaupun ko kebosanan. Aku pun bersiap, menuju ke KLCC. Lunch kat Coffee Beans ngan Smurf. Tuh la kali kedua aku jejak kaki kat Coffee Beans, sepanjang idop aku. Aku bukan tak sker ngan Coffee Beans, tapi aku tatau aper yang menarek kat Coffee Beans nie. Aku ngan Smurf gegodek menu. Lapo nie, tapi tatau nak makan aper. Tibai jer la. Pas lunch a.k.a menom petang, teros pi tgk wayang.
Alamak, luper beli air. Mau tak kehausan duduk dalam panggung. Nie la Da Vinci Code yang tingin aku nak tgk. Dengar member² citer, film nie ader sket terpesong mengenai agama aku. Nie yang wat aku ader sket tak puas hati, kena tengok gak walau camner sekali pun. Camner laks Jesus ( Nabi Isa ) ader waris nie. Karut marut la citer nie. Seb baek wayangjer. Kalo tak, mao tak terpesong gak paler utak aku. 2 jam setengah duduk kat dalam panggung, montot pun keras, haus pun ye, pastuh sangap pun ader, pasal tak isap okok. Tambah lagi ngan sejOk, ish.. ader gak aku pelok si smurf nie kang. Aku selit tangan kat celah smurf. Smurf... sejok. Uwaaa... aku ingatkan tak sejOk, tapi camner arinie bole sejOk plak. Biasanye takder lar sejOk kalo pi tgk wayang kat KLCC nie, pasal ramai orang.
Dah abes tgk wayang. Aku pun balik. Smurf pun balik. Aku apa lagi, bantai tido lar kat umah.
Sabtu, kengkawan tmpt keje ajak pi maen bowling. Wah, cuti baru bermula, ektibiti aku dah memacam. Tengok wayang la, maen bowling la. Besh besh. Rosydi call aku dari pagi lagi ajak bowling. Azrul laks sebok nak jumper aku. Nie aper kena ngan dierorang nie. Takkan dah bosan kot. Beriya sangat nak cuti, tapi cuti baru jer bermula, memasing dah kebosanan. Tuh la korang, orang cuti balik kpg. Korang mende menganga kat KL nie. Sian korang, kerana kelas tambahan benggong tuh, dah takbole nak balek kpg awal ek. Takper, berkhidmat utk negara, mendidik anak bangsa tak kira waktu, terpaksa mengorbankan masa cuti. Jumper Rosydi & the gang kat Flamingo. Azrul pun menyusur. Selepas kepenatan mencampak bola bowling sebanyak 5-6 games, tangan aku pun dah lembek, aku pun balik umah seperti biasa, AKU TIDO KEPENATAN!

Thursday, May 18, 2006
Rindu Bayangan

Makin Aku Cinta

Makin aku cinta, Cermin sikapmu yang mampu, Merendam rasa keakuanku (Mengerti, memahami cinta). Caramu memanjakan ku. Kau rujuki kesejukan pagi. Memasung hati. Tulus aku, memasrahkan diri. Jangan pernah terbesit hati. Meragukan kesetiaan yang tercurah. Aku dan dirimu ditakdirkan satu. Langit jadi saksi.
Friday, May 12, 2006

It happened in a short time but they never told a single lie. They are true blue and they are among the very few. This friends did what true friends do.
They opened up their home and made me see there is so much more. They knew I was hurting in so many ways and helped me to realize that they will always be there to guide me through the bad days. I am so happy I felt the embrace and saw the beauty and love of my true friends face.
I love you my friends, you have a heart of gold and you are the true meaning of the word "Friends". I am truly blessed to have found you and I thank God, because you my friends are, "Heaven Sent".
Monday, May 08, 2006
Did you hear me say
I'm talkin' bout love, say you'll be my girls for life. Girls for like. Oh hold off I need another one. I think you do, you do too. Grab my bag, got my own money. Don't need any man in this room. My boyfriend, he'll be calling me now anytime. I need all my girls to keep him off my mind. So hold up we need another one. What we got is all good.
Did you hear me say
I'm talking bout
I'm talkin' bout love
I'm talkin' bout love
Love is an energy, love is a mystery. Love is meant to be true. Love is a part of me, love is the heart of me. Love is the best thing we do.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Caramu-Niki Maharani
Dalam khayalan kau rupawan.Selama-lama kau didamba. Namun hakikat kau sering saja dipergunakan.
Caramu dan caranya berbeza. Ini semua permainannya. Baik lupakan saja kerana kau. Jika bersama dia hidupmu kan sengsara. Berkali-kali telah ku ingatkan.
Langkahmu makin dekat padanya. Ingin menjerat akalmu pasti lena dibuai katanya. Telah ku kenal si dia. Yang hanya pandai berpura. Memikat dan menawan mangsa 'tuk' diperdaya.
Dia janjikan kemewahan. Dan perkahwinan keindahan. Namun hakikat kau sering saja dipergunakan.
Tak sanggup ku lihat kau derita. Menurut segala mahunya. Kau keliru dan kau tersiksa. Cintamu hanya dipersia.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
What Would You Do?
[_] come to my house to do nothing at but chill? [_] fight me? [_] fuck me? [_] kiss me? [_] lick me? [_] let me kiss you? [_] let me lick you? [_] watch a movie with me? [_] go out to dinner with me? [_] let me drive you somewhere? [_] take a shower with me? [_] drink with me? [_] take me home for the night? [_] let me sleep in your bed? [_] Sing car karaoke w/ me? [_] re-post this for me to answer your questions? [_] Come pick me up at 3 am because my car ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere? [_] Lock me in your room and take advantage of me? [_] let me make you breakfast? [_] help me with homework? [_] tickle me? [_] let me tickle you? [_] stick up for me if i was being put down? [_] instant message me? [_] greet me in public? [_] hang out with me? [_] bring me around your friends? [_] be down with me no matter what? [_] go to prom with me? [_] do anything to hurt me? [_] cheat on me?
D0 Y0U...
[_] think im cute? [_] think im serious? [_] think im a good person [_] think im conceided? [_] want to kiss me? [_] want to cuddle with me? [_] want to hook up with me? [_] think I can fight? [_] want to *Do* me? [_] think I would do you? AM I... [_] smart? [_] cute? [_] funny? [_] cool? [_] romantic? [_] a *freak*? [_] gangsta? [_] loveable? [_] adorable? [_] trustworthy [_] compassionate? [_] great to be with? [_] attractive? [_] mean? [_] well known?
[_] thought about hooking up with me? [_] found yourself wanting a kiss from me? [_] wished I were there? [_] had a crush on me? [_] wanted my number? [_] had a dream about me? [_] been distracted by me? [_] wanted to see my private part? [_] looked at my page more than ten times?
ARE Y0U...
[_] happy you know me? [_] horny? [_] thinking about me? [_] wanting to call me to talk about these things?
Friday, April 28, 2006
Siapa Diriku Di Sisimu
Berita yg mengecewakan ku
Apa yg terjadi bukan yg ku impikan
Lalu kutabah kan hati ini
Sayang ku…
Ku tahu kau tak ingin begini
Tapi kau sanggup lakukan nya…
Betapa hatiku hancur musnah berderaian
Tidak seorang pun yang memahami hati dan perasaan ku
Kerna cintakanmu ku jadi begini
Kerna sayangkanmu ku telan semua
Betapa hebatnya kau dihati ini
Mengapa kau tak pernah fikirkan aku
Mengapa si dia jadi pilihan mu
Kusedar siapa diriku disisimu
Kuharap suatu hari kan kau mengerti kasih
Siapa diriku disisimu
Pengorbanan ku bagai tak pernah dihargai
Ia bagai angin yg berlalu
You Were Meant For Me
I called my momma, she was out for a walk. Consoled a cup of coffee, but it didn't wanna talk. So I picked up a paper, it was more bad news. More hearts being broken or people being used. Put on my coat in the pouring rain.I saw a movie, it just wasn't the same.' Cause it was happy and I was sad. And it made me miss you, oh, so bad.
Go about my bus'ness, I'm doing fine. Besides, a-what would I say if I had you on the line? Same old story not much to say,Hearts are broken ev'ry day.
I brush my teeth and put the cap back on. I know you hate it when I leave the light on. I pick a book up and then I turn the sheets down, And then I take a deep breath and a good look around. Put on my pj's and hop into bed. I'm half alive, but I feel mostly dead. I try and tell myself it'll be all right,I just shouldn't think anymore tonight.
Yeah, you were meant for me And I was meant for you
We Belong Together
I didn't know nothing, I was stupid, I was foolish, I was lying to myself, I couldn't have fathomed that I would ever, Be without your love, Never imagined I'd be, Sitting here beside myself
'Cause I didn't know you, 'Cause I didn't know me, But I thought I knew everything, I never felt
The feeling that I'm feeling, Now that I don't, Hear your voice, Or have your touch and kiss your lips
Cause I don't have a choice, Oh, what I wouldn't give, To have you lying by my side, Right here, 'cause baby
When you left, I lost a part of me, It's still so hard to believe, Come back baby please, 'cause
We belong together
Who else am I gonna lean on, When times get rough, Who's gonna talk to me on the phone, Till the sun comes up, Who's gonna take your place, There ain't nobody better, Oh baby, baby
We belong together
I can't sleep at night, When you are on my mind, Bobby Womack's on the radio, Singing to me,
Wait a minute, This is too deep, too deep, I gotta change the station, So I turn the dial
Trying to catch a break, And then I hear Babyface, I only think of you, And it's breaking my heart
I'm trying to keep it together, But I'm falling apart, I'm feeling all out of my element, I'm throwing things
Crying, Trying to figure out, Where the hell I went wrong, The pain reflected in this song,
I need you
Need you back in my life baby
Friday, April 21, 2006
Mails That Make Me Smile

Hi, how are you doing? I hope everything is fine. I was taking a view on Myspace and your profile caught my attention. God.... you have such a charming smile and I wander what your mom ate before she gave birth to you.You have such a warm beauty. I dont know you, but I think what ever your beauty is, you got it from your parent and I really thank them for blessing this world with such a ravishing true beauty. Maybe you've heard that from people of different races and as we all know, truth is even harder to accept. What I am saying is that you could be sitting there now telling yourself that it is not true. Anyway my name is *******, I was hoping if we could be friends because my eyes have seen a long lasting true beauty and a it is a very rare gift of nature and i believe in true friendship.True friends are like angels. They are precious and rare, and false friends are like leaves, found everywhere.""Friendship is a relationship that is given to few, but desired by all."Friendship is not just something you can get anywhere, it's earned so it shouldn't be taken for granted. It should be treasured." I dont wanna take your time preaching about true friendship because its something i always wish for. i really dont have much to write.. i hope to hear from you soon. feel free to ask me anything if only you dont find the answer on my profile. Well, I doubt it if you'll ask me something. Thanks for your time and i hope everything will be alright..
Topic : Nice pose
Beautiful words from a beautiful person. And that's a very rare gift of nature. It must have been hard for God to have created you with such uniqueness but this time he knew everything being equal the world has a blessing on you. Well, beautifully you seem very adoring and your extreme smile speaks your courage. Anywhere, you are really strong to have handle your smile and still, your strong will is still there. Well, I really wanna know much about you and know very well if you dont mind. Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only those sincere friends will leave a mark before leaving and still have the impact in you even when there are not around.He who loses money, loses much; He, who loses a friend, loses much more; He, who loses faith, loses all. Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, But beautiful old people are perfect works of art, and in this case you are a blessing to humanity. Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself including everlasting beauty. Friends, you and me.... You brought another friend.... And then there were 3.... We started our group.... Our circle of friends.... And like that circle.... There is no beginning or end.... Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery. Today is a gift. Only friendship can bring us together, and the permission is all yours unless you want to throw me like a rag. I will be waiting to hear from you any time soon please. And i am really sorry for replying this late. Can we become friends? You take good care of yourself please and dont allow anything to happen to you. Nice to read from you.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Doaku... ( Easter Sunday Morning )

Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Genting Highland- Part 3
Pagi Sabtu, aku membuta... sejOknye, aku seperti biasa le, nyuruk dalam selimut. Tapi kali nie tanpa bebear kesayangan. Sian bebear kat umah, tido sesorang ek malam tadi. Sekali la, aku terdengar ChuWen terpekik-pekik, terlolong-lolong. Tatau la apa kemendenye. Aku wat bodo jer, tido lagi masyiuk.... aku dengo gak sore Bob. Apa la Bob nie buat kat Chuwen. Ntah² aksi² si Chuwen nie dirakam. Tuh yang dier terpekik-pekik kot. Arghhh...lantak la. Dierorang dah beso, sendiri settle la. Nak tido pun takbole, pepagi buta dah memekak bebudak nie. Seb baek aku tak bawak rotan, kalo aku bawak rotan aku, sah ader yg kena rotan pasal bebising. Dekat kol 10pg gitu baru aku bangun. Aku kuar bilik, aku tgk dierorang dah lepak kat ruang tamu. Sumer dah siap mandi, siap bekpes. Aku gegosok mata cam biasa ler.... pi dapor bancuh nescepe segera. Sumernye ala segera la, duduk kat sofa, carik okok. Sesembang jap ngan dierorang nie. Sekali si Chuwen pi gegar musyuk aku laks. Dilompat-lompatnya kat atas katil. WoooooOOoO... aku wisau je, kang patah riuk laks musyuk aku tuh. Musyuk aku pun cam aku gak, dier wat bodo je... dier bantai tido. Aku rasa musyuk aku nie kalo dah tido, kot bom meletop pun dier tak sedar (aku penah tgk dier tido...dari petang sampai la ke tgh malam, tak sedar diri, cam batang kayu.. takder la cam kayu sangat....pasal dier tawaf satu katil, tido ganas gak ler...). Aku capai towel, ambek beg toileteries, masuk bilik air, kekununnya nak berak la cam biasa. Rutin la, pepagi pas menom nescepe, kena berak. Tapi....... apersal laks takder rasa nak berak?? SejOk kot ek?? Aku pun teros nak mandi la. Aku pegang pintu yg nak masuk ke tmpt shower, alamak...apersal tercabut nie??? Aku TAK BERSALAH~!!!! Aku baru je pegang pintu tuh pun, nie konpom Elboone ngan Chuwen nye keje nie. Sampai nak roboh pintu tuh korang kejekan ek?? Aku pun tolak la pintu tuh slow², kang roboh teros laks, payah, takkan nak membayo ganti rugi, pintu pun buruk jer, dah berkarat pun. Aku cecepat mandi, walaupun air panas, panas lagi la hot shower umah aku, siap ader bathtub. Nie aku rasa air dier kejap panas, kejap sejOk. Tak reti laks aku nak meng-ejas menatang nie. Aku dongak kat atas, ader tangki air beso. Haipp...nie kalo tangki nie jatuh hempap aku, mau dah mati katak aku dalam bilik air sempit nie kang. Aku mandi lagi cecepat, sabun cepat²....dah siap mandi...aku pun larik masuk ke bilik. Aku sapu losyen, dari atas sampai bawah, sapu bedak, pakai baju sumer lengkap. Aku pun lepak la balek kat ruang tamu. Musyuk aku bangun.... ntah mende dier bebel² kat Chuwen. Nie pasal Chuwen lelompat atas katil tadi la. Dier bebel² cam mak nenek, bebangun tido je bebel. Pot Pet Pot Pet. Aku suruh dier pi mandi sebab nak check out kol 12. Dier pi mandi sesiapkan diri. Aze & Ezna laks nak pi kejot Tuna. Aku, musyuk, Chuwen & Elboone kekemas barang. Jap lagi Tuna naek kete datang jempot kiterorang kat lobby apartment.
Aku call Oron, wahhhhh....dier ngan Joi dah ader kat outdoor theme park la. Sedang bersuka ria berdua. Semalam aku tgk Oron punye la tenat. Nie

Tepat kol 12, kiterorang pun check out. Lama juge nak menunggu si Tuna nie. Aku siap la posing kat

Pas check in bilik, rehat kejap. Kiterorang kumpul balik kat kedai mamak. Aku nak bersantap la. Lapo tak hengat nie, pasal aku tak bekpes pun. Pas makan, aku, musyuk aku, Joi & Along pi Haunted House. Uwaaaaa....aku takut. Bukan takut hantu pun, tapi aku takut kalo hantu raba aku. Aku gelik kalo orang reraba aku. Huhuhuhu...along jalan kat depan. Musyuk aku, aku pegang tangan musyuk aku, Joi pastuh ader apek & amoi kat blakang. Ader 6 orang la kiranya sekali masuk Rumah Hantu nie. Memula ok gak la perasaan aku. Biler dah masok pintu utama, alamak, gelapnye. Berbekalkan lampu picit kecik, bukan lampu picit la....tapi menatang tuh bernyala gak. Penat nak menekan kasik idop, kiterorang jalan. Aksi along sebijik cam James Bond la, takpun Jackie Chan, siap geguling, meniarap, tertiarap. Orang depan mmg sentiasa kena bersedia menghadapi halangan yang mendatang. Maner lar tau kot ader hantu yg sergah. Aku laks....terpekik pekik. Uwaaaaaaaa......makkkk....tolong. Takut~!!!! Musyuk aku gelak tak benti. Dier bole gelakkan aku laks. Ader satu part tuh, 2 hantu serang aku sekali. Aku berdiri kat tengah². Hantu² nie nak pegang aku. Waaaaaaaaaaa....musyuuuuk....Aloooongggggg, jangan la gelak. Tolong la..... tooolooonnggggggggg...... Malu gak la, tapi dah nak camner. Memang aku takut. Aku gelikkkk laaaaaaa. Nak nanges pun ader biler tgk along & musyuk gelakkan aku. Hengos bengos tol la dierorang dua nie. Saket ati aku. Ngok Ngek tol la. Huh~! Meluat. Selepas aku abes mengharungi segala dugaan yg ader kat dalam Rumah Hantu tuh dengan adernye along kat depan dan musyuk aku yg kat sebelah. Joi kat blakang, tak berbunyi pun dier. Kehkehkeh~! Jangan dier kej

Tapi terlupa laks nak bubuh, semalam nye tuh, ader tmpt lumbat kete F1. Aku pun sempat gak ler posing sebelah kete F1. Si Chuwen pun sempat test drive. Tapi asyik terbabas je.

Pas penat dari rumah hantu, kiterora

Aku mandi, sesiap, dierorang sumer dah tgu kat Merry Brown. Dierorang dah penat makan masakan mamak la, tukar selera skali sekala. Diberitahu laks Joi & Oron dah balek KL. Huh.. nie lagi manusia yg tak reti nak bilang orang kata nak balek. Nanti balek KL, siap la 2 orang nie. Balek bukannye nak info pun. Tau tau dah balek.
Pas makan, Along kata nak pi Safari Club. Aku ngan musyuk aku pakai serabai je. Terpaksa la selepas makan, aku naek ke bilik, tukar pakaian. Takkan nak pakai selipar. Along, Ezna, Aku, Musyuk, Chuwen & Elboone jer yg masuk Safari Club. Aze saket perot, ingin merehatkan diri ditemani Tuna & Bob. Adegan menarek byk gak dalam Safari Club tuh. Ader sorang apek maner ntah, fuhhh..dier layan fengtau la. Nari sesorang kat dance floor. Aku laks sampai cramp perot doq gelak. Kiterorang nari gitu² je, memanaskan badan. Takut terbeku. Dah sampai akhir² saat, tetiber laks, Elboone jadi ligat. Aku terpelik jap. Mamat nie mabuk coke ke aper. Aku gelak lagi. Makin kejOng perot aku. Ya Tuhan...tolong.... aper kena ngan mamat nie...?? Siap nyanyi sekali laks ikot lagu cina nie. Atoi atoi..... Along duduk jer tgk. Dari tadi dier tukang jaga beg, jaga rokok, jaga sweater. Dier pun ajak lar kiteorang balek. Ye la....mesti penat joget² nie. Apa lagiii.......... Balek tido laaaaaaaaaaaaa.....
Aksi Elboone yang berjaya dirakam oleh Paparazi di dalam Safari Club
Nantikan sambongan utk hari terakhir...... part 4....