Saturday, March 29, 2008


GET LOST!!!!!!!!!!!


Qibs said...

sabar banyak-2 k, be strong.....what ever shit happen..there is still sweet thing in future

Anonymous said...

baek lah...

:: Wiween :: said...

sabar kak reen sabar.hehe

HaimE said...

Oppss... dia dah ngamok tu ... baik semua.. lari sembunyi .... Dia akan tukar jadi vampire and then hisap darah semua sampai kering.... adehhh .. dah pernah terjadi ni... jgn main main..... serious.. hehehehe

HaimE said...

Reen .. reen .. I know you well .. maybe more than any one here in your blog.. Whoever you are referring to.. must had hurt you damm bad.. Kenaper lah tak de orang yang memahami you ?? Honestly, you are an easy and understanding friend and i trust you even with my life.
Jgn dok terpikir banyak2 sangat .. life have to move on. Dont give a shit to such a rubbish unwanted residue. I believe in you that you will prevail... Hugs and kisses to my lovely friend friend.... :)

Miss Reen said...

qibs: thnx... thnx so much..

menteil: hehehehe...baiklah..apa yg baik?

wiween: akak sgt penyabar orangnye...

haime: u trust me even with ur life? meaning? thnx for all what u had did for me... hope that our fwenship will last...

ita.itu said...

bio lah org tuh..jgn ko layan..ko wat biasa je HD

Anonymous said...

aiyo...dia sudah marah!!!rilek beb,rilek..