Thursday, February 09, 2017

Aku Kembali

Bertahun sudah aku menyepi di blog. Dulu ada domain & hosting sendiri, ntah macam mana, kawan yg uruskan hosting telah ke luar negara dan hostings aku pun kaput, tinggal domain je. Maka, aku kembali ke blogspot.
Aku masih perlukan masa & idea utk kembali mem-blog-ing. Rindu saat2 blogging ni. Nak merepek repek. Nak update kat fb pun aku malas. Inikan pula nak blog? Hahaha... Tp kat fb kalo update panjang sgt, orang malas nak baca. Lgpun tak semua kekawan memahami kan...

*Life Is Colorful To Make Our Life Wonderful

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

I'm Moving

Aku Sudah Berpindah ye... I'm Moving....



Saturday, June 11, 2011

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday My Dear Friend.
No Cake Or Candle Here Today,
Or Presents For U To Open.
Just Wanna Wish U, A HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
Somehow U Can See & Know,
I Haven't Forgotten U & I Will Owez Remember.
A Part Of U Is Still Here,
U Live Within My Memory & Heart,
N So U Remain, Thou We're Apart.
May U Rest In Peace.
I Miss u So Much.

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Aku & Mr. B

Setelah sekian lama, aku tidak dijangkiti penyakit berbisul ini. Damn! Kenapalah waktu cuti ini juga Mr. B ni nak 'kiss' tang situ. Sakit dowh! Ingatkan jerawat biasa. Alih² bisul plak. Layan je la. Beberapa petua yang diberi oleh rakan² aku ikut. Tapi akhirnya aku menampal Plaster Cap Katak yang boleh dibeli di kedai sinseh Pandan Jaya (special delivery oleh seorang rakan, TQ). Setelah menepek 3 keping, bisul ku pecah smlm. Gedebush! Nanah yang bercampur dengan darah mengalir keluar dari 2 'mata' bisul ku. Semoga luka bisul ini sembuh cepat. Gwe nak joli katak!!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Aku Seorang Yg Garang & Tegas

Hiks. Akhirnya terbuka hati ingin berkongsi rasa untuk pertama kalinya buat tahun 2011.
Baru² ini telah berlangsungnya sambutan Hari Guru Peringkat Sekolah. Dan aku telah diundi sebagai GURU WANITA YANG PALING TEGAS (setelah perkataan 'GARANG' itu ditukarkan ye).

Aku bertanya juga kepada murid² kesayangan intan payung ku, adakah aku seorang guru yg sangat garang??

Mereka menjawab:'Takde la garang sangat, tapi kami takut la kat Teacher bila dalam kelas. Lepas kelas, luar kelas, takder la takut sgt. Takut masa dalam kelas je. Tak boleh main².'

Dalam hati aku pun nak saje menjawab 'korang datang sekolah nie nak memain je ke?'

Heh, these photos were taken when I'm at work. Garang Ke???
Ketika sedang bertugas di luar.

Serabut memikirkan keadaan perpustakaan.

Ketika sedang berdiskusi bersama AJK² PIBG.

Ketika berada di padang yang becak & lecak!

Mencangkul pasir di padang sekolah

Sikit punye sempoi la aku nie dikatakan garang?? Choyhhhh~Hahaha... :þ

Friday, June 11, 2010

Happy Birthday

11th June is his birthday. He is no more around but I'm still wishing him...
Happy Birthday

U R always On my Mind.
Pic credit to:

Life. Is. Colourful. To. Make. My. Life. Wonderful.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Ia Kecil-Ia Gagah!

Ia kecil-ia gagah! My Pink Panther yg tak pink- is my new 2nd hand toy. A gift for myself, so called Christmas Gift for 2009. It wasn't in my wishlist or plan last year, dah nak camner, dah terbeli dah pun. Gasak je la...

I Love Pink Panther
Still Looking For Pink Panther Accesorries

Life. Is. Colourful. To. Make. My. Life. Wonderful.

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Year 2010

Happy New Year To All
Have A Blessed 2010

Tiada apa yg ingin aku citerkan ttg 2009, namun ada beberapa perubahan telah berlaku dalam hidup aku ini utk memperbetulkan keadaan yg serba kekurangan & huru-hara itu. Kehilangan & kepergian, kesedihan & kegembiraan, bla bla bla.. telah mewarnai hidupku. Namun aku akan tetap masih di sini, di teratak kecilku, gagah mengharungi hari² yg mendatang.
Terima kasih kepada rakan² yg bersamaku pada 2009 dan kenangan manis itu akan ku simpan di dlm hati. Thank You Very Much.
Syukur kepada Tuhan, kerana adik aku yg telah mengalami kemalangan pada akhir bulan Oktober pulih daripada kecederaan muka yg hampir menghilangkan 'ke-original-an' wajahnye.
Oh... bila aku nak abes blajo nie? Aku berjaya mengharungi tahun pertama dengan jayanye (wlpun tak beberapa nak cemerlang lar kan)... smoga aku teros bersemangat utk menghabiskan sesi pengajian jarak jauh ku hingga akhir iaitu pada Jun 2012. Pas abes yg nie.. aper lg aku nak buat? Sambong blajo lg ke?
Goodbye 2009 & Welcome 2010. Smoga Tahun 2010 akan menjadi satu tahun yg amat bermakna seperti mana tahun² yg sudah untuk diriku. Smoga segala kenangan pahit & manis pada tahun 2009 menjadi satu pengajaran & pengalaman buat diriku. Adakah aku akan kembali aktif berblogging seperti dulu pada tahun 2010 ini? Mungkin... *winks*

I love my past.
I love my present.
I’m not ashamed of what I’ve had,
and I’m not sad because I have it no longer.

Life. Is. Colourful. To. Make. My. Life. Wonderful.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Karnival Sukan

Arinie Aku Tersadai Di Stadium UKM dari kol 7.30pagi -10pagi. Sorang pun tarak... aku pun cabut~ Petang, gi balik plak, haiyoooo... sampai UKM dlm ujan~ Ambek Tag, Ambek Buku Aturcara, then gi ambek kunci bilik, haiya, kerana alasan² yg tertentu, aku tak tido kat hostel yg disediakan, aku balek umah je la. Penat, taksah nak cakap, cam nak tercabut tulang² aku skrg~ Bznye la, smlm adalah hari last aku bertugas di skolah, krn arinie aku dah bertugas sbg pegawai utk Karnival Sukan Skolah Sukan Negeri sampai Ahad. Diri aku ntah ke mana, esaimen aku ntah ke mana... huh~ krem utak~

Life. Is. Colourful. To. Make. My. Life. Wonderful.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Missing U & U Will Never Be Replaced

oh oh Oh I'm missin' you
Baby I'm missin' you

oh oh oh oh
Baby I'm missing you

Things'll never be the same without you...

What did I do to deserve this
I didn't even get one last kiss, from you
Oh baby God took your love from me
He needed an angel so it seems
I need to feel your hands all over me
I need to feel you kissing me
I need to feel you holding me
I need to feel your touch
Cause I miss your love so much
And I can't keep on living this way
I need you here with me
Why could he take you away, from me

It's hard for me to tell you I love you
As I'm standing over your grave
And I know I'll never hear your voice again
Why did you leave me
Why couldn't you just stay
Because my world is nothin', without you
Now I don't know what to do, with myself

I would've given you anything
Just to make you happy
Just to hear you say, that you love me one last time
I'd go to hell and back over and over again
Just to prove to you how much I need you here
There is nothing that I wouldn't do
I'd cry for you
I'd lie for you
And there's no doubt that if I could take your place in heaven
I would die for you, yes I will
I would rather give up my life
Than to see tears in your eyes
I can't stand to see you cry

Cause it's hard for me to tell you I love you
As I'm standing over your grave
And I know I'll never hear your voice again
Why did you leave me
Why couldn't you just stay babe
Because my world is nothin', without you
Now I don't know what to do, with myself

I just don't know what to do with myself
I cant stand looking at those pictures on my shelf
Knowing it was just one week ago, i stood there and took that picture
There's just one thing that I wanna know
Why would God want to hurt me so bad,
Does He know how much it hurts to be missing you
Baby I'm missing you
Baby I'm missing you
I love you

oh God damn it I love you
Why did he take you away... from me
Cause I love you so...
I miss you so much baby I just can't go on baby

1st Ladi- Never Be Replaced

Dedicated To Someone That I Miss So Much - May U Rest In Peace - U Will Never Be Replaced

Life. Is. Colourful. To. Make. My. Life. Wonderful.